Postdoc in the Biddinger Lab - Boston Children's

The Biddinger Lab is looking for basic biologists interested in applying their expertise to a clinical problem.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) affects more than 25% of the population, and can lead to liver cancer, cirrhosis and metabolic diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. However, the basic biology of this disorder remains an enigma and we still have no treatments. At the Biddinger lab, we are using Crispr screening, single nuclei sequencing, ChIP sequencing, mouse models, organoids, and stable isotope tracing to understand this disease. More information can be found at our website (

Requirements: PhD in biological science or computation biology or related fields; excellent references; strong evidence of past productivity. We hope to recruit colleagues who like solving hard problems and being creative. We want cell and molecular biologists, microscopists, and computational biologists who can bring new perspectives to this problem; no previous experience in NAFLD is necessary.

Please send a CV and thoughts about how you could fit into our team to

Maryse Thomas