Postdoc in Cancer Biology, Vakili Lab - Boston Children's

Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Cancer Biology

Applications are currently being accepted for a postdoctoral fellow to join the laboratory of Khashayar Vakili at Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. Our research focuses on liver cancer biology by analyzing patient-derived tumors and developing in vitro models with a focus on translational studies. 

Qualified candidates must have a Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. degree with a strong background in advanced molecular biology, gene editing, cloning, 3D cell culture techniques, as well as an in-depth understanding of cancer biology. Candidates must be self-motivated and possess strong communication/organizational skills along with a collaborative attitude. A strong record of scientific achievement is strongly preferred. Salary will be determined based on the candidate’s experience and qualifications.

Please send cover letter, CV, and information for at least three references to

Khashayar Vakili, M.D.

c/o Tyler Vaz

tyler.vaz (@)

Maryse Thomas